Online credit cards offer a variety of advantages to individuals. They are more secure, convenient to use, and customers can manage them 24/7 via a dedicated mobile banking app. The traditional advantages of credit cards such as dining, shopping, and travel continue to attract customers in 2024. If you are going on an international trip soon or are looking for attractive dining deals at your favourite restaurant, all you need to do is choose the right credit card.
Credit cards for travel and their benefits:
Here are four key advantages of using a travel credit card while taking an international trip –
- Your card will be accepted across the world: Worldwide acceptance is a key feature of international credit cards. You can use these cards while shopping at local markets, dining at restaurants, and traveling between cities. International travel credit cards also eliminate the need of carrying cash everywhere you go in a foreign country. You can also make contactless payments at terminals that accept these payments and benefit from increased security.
- International credit cards offer very high security: Banks offer various categories of credit cards to help customers secure themselves from all forms of online fraud. Virtual credit cards do not have a physical form and can be used by waving one’s phone over the merchant’s terminal. You can also opt for contactless payments while paying at payment terminals abroad. Most credit card apps require customers to sign in using a highly secure mode of log in such as biometric authentication.
- Banks offer competitive foreign exchange rates on international credit cards: When you transact in the currency of another country, the credit card bill is generated by converting the amount to Indian Rupees based on the prevailing exchange rates. The conversion takes place on the settlement date with the bank, which might not be the same as the date of transaction. Credit card companies like Visa and Mastercard offer competitive conversion rates to help you save more.
- You can benefit from exciting rewards by using this card while traveling abroad: Banks offer travel-exclusive features like complementary lounge access at domestic and international airports through their travel credit cards.
Key points that you must consider while shopping for shopping, dining, and travel credit cards:
- The credit card’s benefits must align with your spending patterns: You must check if the benefits are truly beneficial for you. For instance, opting for a card that offers a ₹ 750 discount on every purchased flight ticket as someone who travels very rarely will not be very beneficial for you.
- Check if the annual charges are minimal: Some credit card companies also waive the annual charges if the card’s annual expense crosses a threshold.
- Find out ways to earn high reward points: Choose goods and services that help you make the most of your credit card rewards and cashback offers.
You must check the credit card’s interest rate and must calculate your future monthly EMI using a credit card EMI calculator. You should also check if the rewards offered by the card are relevant to you based on your spending patterns.