Millionaire Mafia Club

Million Ideas at one Point

Month: August 2020

Trading can make a lot of money:

Everybody knows Warren Buffet. He is one of the top richest men in the world. He started investing money since he was 14 years old. But he doesn’t become rich just by investing in real estate. He invested a lot…

The importance of marketing in creating a business model

If you do a little business study you will come to know of the importance of marketing. Marketing is the essence of creating a brand. And a brand is the very first step towards creating a business empire. Now when…

A brief guide on social media marketing

SMM or social media marketing is one of an important factor for any type of business. It is used to aware people about their business. It has many platforms to advertise your product. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest are…

Here’s how technology can save the industries in a post COVID-19 world:

The world is going through a pandemic situation. And this pandemic has hit all the economical sectors greatly. But the hardest hit is the industrial sector. Even now when most of the restrictions are lifted, many operating procedures are in…

The effects of covid19 pandemic and how technology can help the industries:

Automation if the industrial sector is an inevitable one. That is to say that with the advancements and innovations in the technological sector, it is only befitting that those technologies are put to use. And now with the emergence of…

The scope of technology in the Industrial field and the way it is minimalizing human interventions:

The technological advancements in the field of industry has made human interventions minimal. And with new and more cutting edge innovative ideas coming along the prospects of use of human resources are now minimal. The only thing that has remained…

The effects of population bloom on the industrial sector

The world is seeing a population bloom. The increase in population is likely to bring more workforces. With the latest estimation third world countries are likely to see a great influx of workforce. However, the increase in population is not…

How to acquire more customers using these 3 simple tips

It is essential for every online store to increase its organic reach. Paid ads are great to acquire new customers. However, you cannot deny the fact that organic reach is necessary. Paid ads are very complex. You have to be…

Digital Marketing Transformations and Designs to Turn Small Businesses into Thriving Brands

Does a brand have more value than business?    Are you finding it challenging to keep parity with the evolving consumer behavioral pattern?    Can digital marketing breakthrough the industry’s stereotypes and transform your small scale business into a thriving…

Everything about ELSS: Tax-saving mutual funds

Most investorsperceive equity as a risky investment; andwhile equity-based investmentsdo attract market risk, they also offer long-term benefits tothe investors. Among the many types of investments available in the Indian market, Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) are a highly sought-after investment…